Daniel Diemer

Perpetual Learner of Many Things


My name is Daniel Diemer. I love to build things and I have insatiable appetite for learning. I live with my wife in the small town of Burnet, about an hour away from where I work in Austin, Texas.

My current full time job is to operate a part of the power grid. My job title is Senior Transmission System Operator. I started that career in 2014, still at the same company I now work for. Before that, I had around 8 years of prior experience in the field between working as nuclear electrician & operator in the Navy and as a field engineer at GE.

My shift schedule at work allows me a good amount of time off, which I spend improving many other skills. For example:

I have built this site and my blog website by learning html, css and hugo. However, it became boring as the mysteries of the web melted away.

I then moved on to an online course for Java so I could write custom indicators and trading strategies for my trading software. To practice object oriented programming, I wrote a game in Java for my neices about traveling in space to other planets. I had to stop trading because most of my spare time was needed for building up our property. My wife and I are trying to get it ready so we could build a small house and live there instead of in our nearby home in town. My pause in trading caused a similar pause in my Java development.

I am still working to keep programming fresh in my brain, and am slowly working through a course to improve my backend skills. The course has been successful to that end.

My biggest flaw typically has to do with underestimating the amount of time it takes to do something. I am grateful for every second God grants me life, but it is often a point of frustration. I want to do 10 full-time jobs at the same time. There is not enough time in my life to build everything I desire. At times, I wish I did not find so many things interesting because it makes managing my free time difficult. It helps that I have started writing goals & plans for my free time, but it will always be a bit disappointing there is not more time. Enough of that depressing talk though, let us all go build something great.

Thanks for reading.